CUDA.NET 2.2 released

We are happy to announce the release of CUDA.NET version 2.2.

This release aligns with CUDA 2.2 API and features, and provides further improvements with CUDA.NET.
To download page.

Few of the additions/changes:

  • Supporting CUDA 2.2 API (zero copy etc.)
  • CUDA class supports all driver functions, adding few missing texture functions into the API
  • Removing double precision FFT routines from CUFFT – the functions were there for future support, but are no longer available
  • Adding MSDN/CHM based documentation for the library
  • Extending the runtime API support to allow various memory copies and the latest 2.2 API

We you will all find that release useful.

You are invited to provide us comments for usage and in general about the library to improve it.
You can send all that information to

4 Replies to “CUDA.NET 2.2 released”

  1. Trying the asyncAPI example and for the following code:
    cuda.CopyHostToDeviceAsync(d_a, a, stream);

    received the following error:
    The non-generic method ‘GASS.CUDA.CUDA.CopyHostToDeviceAsync(System.IntPtr, uint, GASS.CUDA.Types.CUstream)’ cannot be used with type arguments

    There has been no mods of the example code and am not sure what I am missing. Thanks in advance.

    Also, trying the clock example I receive the following error:
    // load module
    cuda.LoadModule(Path.CombineEnvironment.CurrentDirectory, “clock_kernel.cubin”));

    CUDAError = GASS.CUDA.CUResult.ErrorFileNotFound

    Try to change file to “” as found in Debug path and receive the following error:

    CUDAError = GASS.CUDA.CUResult.ErrorInvalidImage

    Assistance is appreciated.

  2. I have the same problem. I upgraded the visual studio project to VS 2008. I had to add the reference for CUDA.NET because it didn’t detect it.

    Other than that, no modifications. Help would be appreciated.

  3. Actually the error I am referring to is

    cuda.CopyHostToDeviceAsync(d_a, a, stream);

    Error 1 The non-generic method ‘GASS.CUDA.CUDA.CopyHostToDeviceAsync(GASS.CUDA.Types.CUdeviceptr, System.IntPtr, uint, GASS.CUDA.Types.CUstream)’ cannot be used with type arguments C:Downloadscuda.net2.3.7_winexamplesasyncAPIProgram.cs 100 18 asyncAPI

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